Cezary Nowosad

Took the office on March 14th 2024.

Cezary Nowosad has extensive experience managing commercial entities. He has served as a member of the management boards of investment companies and enterprises listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange. He also has experience in the supervisory boards of both state-owned and private sector companies as well as listed companies in regulated markets.

He graduated from the Faculty of Physics at the University of Warsaw (majored in physics and medical physics) and completed PhD studies at the Collegium of Management and Finance of the Warsaw School of Economics (majored in finance and management). He has also completed investment advisor and securities analyst studies (Privatization Center). He has been involved with the capital market since 1997. Director of Development and Analysis Department of Bondspot S.A. since 2000, since 2004 at Nafta Polska S.A., initially as advisor to the President, and later as member of the Management Board and Vice-President of the Management Board. In 2004-05, he participated in the IPOs of Grupa Lotos S.A., Zakłady Chemiczne Police S.A., and Zakłady Azotowe Puławy S.A. He was responsible for the process of restructuring and privatization of entities of the Large Chemical Synthesis (Zakłady Azotowe in Tarnów S.A., Zakłady Azotowe Kędzierzyn S.A., Zachem S.A., ZCh Sarzyna). In February 2006, he assumed the position of Vice-President of the acting Chairman of the Management Board of Towarzystwo Obrotu Nieruchomościami AGRO S.A. From 2006 to 2016, as President of the Management Board of IPO Doradztwo Strategiczne S.A. and President of the Management Board of INVISTA Brokerage House, he led more than a dozen IPOs of companies listed on the WSE. Business Centre Club capital market expert. He has served on the supervisory boards of many public and private companies, including: Grupa LOTOS S.A., AGROMAN Sp. z o.o., Narodowy Fundusz Inwestycyjny Progress S.A., Petrobaltic S.A., Naftoport Sp. z o.o., SovereignFund Towarzystwo Funduszy Inwestycyjnych S.A., PLASTBOX S.A., Setanta S.A., and Mateus sp. z o.o.

Member of the Supervisory Board