Company Authorities

Partnership members

Wiesław Malicki
Wiesław Malicki
Prezes Zarządu
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Pan Wiesław Malicki objął stanowisko Prezesa Zarządu w dniu 24 kwietnia 2024 r. Jest absolwentem warszawskiej Akademii Wychowania Fizycznego na wydziale nauczycielskim i trenerskim. Ukończył również studia podyplomowe na Uniwersytecie Gdańskim we współudziale GFKM, BCC oraz RSM Erasmus University Rotterdam, jako instytucji walidującej - uzyskanie tytułu Executive MBA, studia podyplomowe na Uniwersytecie Warszawskim - Wydział Zarządzania w zakresie: Zarządzanie w podmiotach leczniczych w dobie przekształceń własnościowych oraz studia podyplomowe w Wyższej Szkole Gospodarowania Nieruchomościami w Warszawie – Wydział Ekonomii w zakresie: Zarządzanie Nieruchomościami, a także podyplomowe Studium Funkcjonowania Sektora Usług Bankowych i Ubezpieczeń w Międzynarodowej Szkole Zarządzania prof. L. Koźmińskiego w Warszawie. Ukończył ponadto kurs na członków rad nadzorczych w jednoosobowych Spółkach Skarbu Państwa oraz w spółkach z udziałem Skarbu Państwa, potwierdzony egzaminem państwowym i dyplomem. Swoją karierę zawodową rozpoczynał w sektorze prywatnym. W tym czasie kierował firmą realizującą, na zlecenie podmiotu zagranicznego, wielkopowierzchniowe obiekty handlowe oraz inne projekty inwestycyjne na terenie Warszawy, między innymi z zakresu budownictwa inżynieryjnego. Był Prezesem Zarządu TBS Mokotów Sp. z o.o., spółki miejskiej zajmującej się budownictwem społecznym i zarządzaniem nieruchomościami. Od 2007 r. kierował spółkami skarbu państwa działającymi w sektorze nieruchomości komercyjnych. Brał udział w komercjalizacji i restrukturyzacji spółek uczestniczących w procesie powstawania Polskiego Holdingu Nieruchomości S.A., jednej z największych firm tego sektora w Polsce i Europie. Był też członkiem kilku rad nadzorczych oraz uczestniczył w wielu specjalistycznych szkoleniach. Od lipca 2013 r. piastował funkcję Wiceprezesa Zarządu Mazowieckiego Szpitala Bródnowskiego w Warszawie Sp. z o.o., a od października 2013 r. był Przewodniczącym Rady Nadzorczej M.Sz.W.Drewnica Sp. z o.o. Aktualnie jest również wykładowcą medycznych programów MBA w Gdańskiej Fundacji Kształcenia Menedżerów.

Jacek Krawczykowski
Jacek Krawczykowski
Wiceprezes – Członek Zarządu ds. Inwestycji
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Pan Jacek Krawczykowski objął stanowisko Wiceprezesa – Członka Zarządu ds. Inwestycji w dniu 24 kwietnia 2024 r. Jest ekspertem w dziedzinie planowania i realizacji inwestycji mieszkaniowych. W latach 2021 – 2024 był Prezesem Zarządu spółki z branży nieruchomości, gdzie odpowiadał za strategiczne planowanie i kierowanie działalnością firmy ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem nadzoru nad inwestycjami. W ostatnim czasie związany był z Zakładem Gospodarki Mieszkaniowej Sp. z o.o. w Ostrzeszowie jako Doradca Zarządu. Od 2010 r. prowadził działalność gospodarczą, gdzie świadczył usługi w zakresie legal due diligence dla Panatoni BTS Sp. z o.o., a także usługi nadzoru i doradztwa inwestycyjnego nad przebiegiem inwestycji oświatowo-edukacyjnych. Prowadził także nadzór nad inwestycją budowlaną na Mazurach. W latach 2014 – 2021 jako Prezes Zarządu Polskiego Centrum Gospodarczego Sp. z o.o. kierował realizacją kluczowych projektów, w tym budową inwestycji sportowej. Jest absolwentem Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, a także ukończył liczne szkolenia z zakresu zamówień publicznych, kompetencji cyfrowych i zarządzania. 

Grzegorz Grotek
Grzegorz Grotek
Członek Zarządu ds. Finansowych
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Pan Grzegorz Grotek objął stanowisko Członka Zarządu ds. Finansowych w dniu 24 kwietnia 2024 r. Posiada 15-letnie doświadczenie w obszarze finansów i rachunkowości w branży nieruchomości. W latach 2020 – 2024 Dyrektor Finansowy w Operator ARP Sp. z o.o., w latach 2018 – 2020 Dyrektor Biura Rachunkowości i Podatków, Główny księgowy w PFR Nieruchomości S.A. W latach 2009 – 2017 kierował zespołem Rachunkowości i Podatków w Polskim Holdingu Nieruchomości S.A. Grzegorz Grotek jest absolwentem Wydziału Zarządzania Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego. Posiada bogate doświadczenie w obszarze wdrażania strategii zarządzania finansami i księgowości, wdrażania procesów optymalizacyjnych, Międzynarodowych Standardów Sprawozdawczości Finansowej, łączenia i podziałów spółek czy wydzielenia zorganizowanych części przedsiębiorstw.

Members council

Sławomir Frąckowiak
Chairman of the Supervisory Board
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Took the office on March 14th 2024.

Sławomir Frąckowiak has many years of experience in managing state-owned companies as well as companies in the private sector, including those listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange. Moreover, he has experience working in supervisory boards, having served as, among others, Vice-Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the Turów Wind Power Plant, member of the Supervisory Board of BOT Górnictwo i Energetyka S.A., member of the Supervisory Board of Zakład Energetyczny Łódź-Teren S.A., member of the Supervisory Board of ZELMER S.A., Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Dvarcioniu Keramika in Lithuania, and member of the Supervisory Board of Polfa-Kutno S.A. He is skilled at managing human resources and social relations, and has experience working with trade unions and social organizations.

He began his career at Opoczno S.A., where, from 1983 to 1998, he successively served as production foreman, department manager, plant manager and production director. Subsequently, from 1998 to 1999, he served as a member of the Management Board, and from 1999 to 2005 as President of the Management Board of Opoczno S.A. From 2006 to 2008, he ran his own business, INFO-CER, where he provided management consulting services. From 2008 to 2009, he served as a social dialog advisor at PGE Polska Grupa Energetyczna S.A. From 2009 to 2011, he worked as Vice-President of the Management Board of Dipservice, which, following a merger in 2011, became part of Warszawski Holding Nieruchomości. From 2011 to 2014, he was a member of the Management Board of Polski Holding Nieruchomości S.A., and from 2014 to 2015 he was the Managing Director responsible for, among others, preparing the company for its privatization process and successful IPO in 2013. In 2016-2017, he was an advisor to the Management Board of Ceramika Tubądzin. Sławomir Frąckowiak is a graduate of the Faculty of Materials Engineering at the AGH University of Krakow, the Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Enterprise Management at the Wyższa Szkoła Biznesu National-Louis University in Nowy Sącz (WSB-NLU), and holds a degree in social psychology in organisation development management from SWPS University in Warsaw.

Marcin Zajączkowski
Member of the Supervisory Board
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Took the office on March 14th 2024.

Marcin Zajączkowski is an experienced business practitioner who has been involved in the service industry for 30 years, in particular with the hotel, spa and wellness, tourism and health resort industries. He has worked his way up through all levels of the career ladder, and since 2011 has served as President of the Management Board of one of the largest health resort companies in Poland, Uzdrowisko Ciechocinek S.A. He is an active contributor to the academic community, serving as a lecturer and speaker, as well as an expert on the transformation process of the health spa treatment system in Poland.

From 2003 to 2011, he was Director of Marketing and Sales and Managing Director of Medical, Spa&Wellness hotels nationwide. From 2004 to 2010, he served on the Marketing Committee of the Polish Prestige Hotels & Resorts Foundation. He is a graduate of the Faculty of Law and Administration and holds a PhD in management and quality sciences (the Faculty of Economic Sciences and Management) from Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń. He earned a Master of Business Administration (MBA) degree from Dominican University in Chicago/Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń. He also completed postgraduate studies in the field of Manager in Healthcare at the Copernicus Academy of Health Services at Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń.

Cezary Nowosad
Member of the Supervisory Board
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Took the office on March 14th 2024.

Cezary Nowosad has extensive experience managing commercial entities. He has served as a member of the management boards of investment companies and enterprises listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange. He also has experience in the supervisory boards of both state-owned and private sector companies as well as listed companies in regulated markets.

He graduated from the Faculty of Physics at the University of Warsaw (majored in physics and medical physics) and completed PhD studies at the Collegium of Management and Finance of the Warsaw School of Economics (majored in finance and management). He has also completed investment advisor and securities analyst studies (Privatization Center). He has been involved with the capital market since 1997. Director of Development and Analysis Department of Bondspot S.A. since 2000, since 2004 at Nafta Polska S.A., initially as advisor to the President, and later as member of the Management Board and Vice-President of the Management Board. In 2004-05, he participated in the IPOs of Grupa Lotos S.A., Zakłady Chemiczne Police S.A., and Zakłady Azotowe Puławy S.A. He was responsible for the process of restructuring and privatization of entities of the Large Chemical Synthesis (Zakłady Azotowe in Tarnów S.A., Zakłady Azotowe Kędzierzyn S.A., Zachem S.A., ZCh Sarzyna). In February 2006, he assumed the position of Vice-President of the acting Chairman of the Management Board of Towarzystwo Obrotu Nieruchomościami AGRO S.A. From 2006 to 2016, as President of the Management Board of IPO Doradztwo Strategiczne S.A. and President of the Management Board of INVISTA Brokerage House, he led more than a dozen IPOs of companies listed on the WSE. Business Centre Club capital market expert. He has served on the supervisory boards of many public and private companies, including: Grupa LOTOS S.A., AGROMAN Sp. z o.o., Narodowy Fundusz Inwestycyjny Progress S.A., Petrobaltic S.A., Naftoport Sp. z o.o., SovereignFund Towarzystwo Funduszy Inwestycyjnych S.A., PLASTBOX S.A., Setanta S.A., and Mateus sp. z o.o.

Agata Kotwica-Stefańska
Member of the Supervisory Board
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Took the office on March 14th 2024.

Agata Kotwica-Stefańska runs her own law firm, providing a broad range of services to entrepreneurs. She is a graduate of the University of Lodz, Faculty of Law and Administration, majoring in law. She completed her attorney’s traineeship at the Lodz Bar Association, where she passed the bar exam and was placed on the attorney’s register. Since 2017, she has operated her own law firm, cooperating with partners from all over Poland, including large law firms, in providing services to entrepreneurs, partnerships and commercial companies. Her activities also include providing services to entities on the real estate market, both in terms of day-to-day legal support (including drafting and reviewing contracts) and representation in lawsuits and proceedings before public administration and administrative courts. She also provides services to entrepreneurs in matters of industrial property and copyright protection. In 2021, she completed the “Tax Advisor Academy” course at the MDDP Business Academy Training Center. She has also been active academically as a lecturer at the University of Humanities and Economics in Lodz and as a lecturer at the Lodz Bar Association, involved in training of apprentice attorneys.

Artur Lebiedziński
Member of the Supervisory Board
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Took the office on March 14th 2024.

Artur Lebiedziński has 27 years of experience in real estate and investment banking, gained in Poland and the UK. In recent years, he has served, among others, as a partner and member of the Management Board of the real estate management platform Greenstone Sp. z o.o. (2017-2020) and President of the Management Board of Polski Holding Nieruchomości S.A. (2013-2016). Previously, he worked at Societe Generale, CA IB InvestmentBank and Bank of America, among others.

Artur Lebiedziński holds a master’s degree from the Warsaw School of Economics. In 2003, he earned an MBA from the International Institute for Management Development (IMD) in Lausanne, Switzerland.

Michał Wnorowski
Member of the Supervisory Board
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Took the office on March 14th 2024.

Michał Wnorowski is an expert in corporate governance and a member of the Association of Independent Non-Executive Directors. Currently a non-executive member of supervisory boards and a member of audit committees of listed companies: PolTREG, PKP Cargo, Medicalgorithmics, Polwax, Tower Investments. Previously, he sat, among others, on the supervisory boards and audit committees of the following companies: Alumetal, Arteria, Voxel, Develia, Robyg, Enter Air, EMC Instytut Medyczny, Braster,, Elektrobudowa, Armatura Kraków, ARM Property. He has worked in the financial markets since 1995. From 2012 to 2016, he was Investment Director in charge of the PZU Group’s Long-Term Equity Portfolio, where he was responsible for the largest equity investment projects and coordination of investments in this asset class across the PZU Group. Previously, the long-time director of the analysis and corporate governance team at PZU Group, responsible for such areas as analysing and selecting companies for investment portfolios and subsequent supervision of portfolio companies. He has experience in investment project management, market analysis, analysis and valuation of enterprises, securities portfolio management and supervision of mergers and acquisitions. He is a graduate of the Warsaw School of Economics and the Krakow University of Economics.

Kinga Śluzek
Secretary of the Supervisory Board
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Took the office on June 22nd, 2016.

She is a graduate of the Department of Marketing and Management of the  Kozminski University and of the Economic Faculty of the National Defense University. She is currently responsible for ownership supervision over financial and capital market companies at the Ministry of State Assets. In 1996–2016, she worked at the Ministry of Treasury. In the last years, she was responsible for ownership supervision over financial institutions and capital market institutions in the Chancellery of the Prime Minister. Kinga Śluzek has many years of experience in ownership supervision over companies with the Treasury’s stake, and also in serving on companies’ supervisory boards.